2024 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 60
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-06-07Welfare State Issues And Challenges (6th Semester)[Special Repeat]USTM
2024-05-07Political In India (6th SemesterUSTM
2024-06-07Mathematical Physics -III (6th Semester)[IDMn].USTM
2024-07-07Physics -II (2nd Semester)USTM
2024-06-07Physics -II (2nd Semester)USTM
2024-07-07Indian Administration Areas and Issues (6th SemesterUSTM
2024-06-07Theoretical Framework of International Relations (6th Semester)[Special Repeat]USTM
2024-08-07Nationalism & Constitutional Development in India (6th Semester)[Special Repeat]USTM
2024-08-07Indian Administration Areas and Issues (6th Semester)[Special Repeat]USTM
2024-07-07Mathematical Physics -II (4th Semester)USTM
2024-06-07Electricity & Magnetism (2nd Semester)[IDMj]USTM
2024-06-07Electricity & Magnetism (2nd Semester)[IDMj]{Old Course}(Repeat)USTM
2024-06-07Political In India (6th Semester)[Special Repeat]USTM
2024-06-07Electromagnetic Theory (6th Semester)[Special Repeat]USTM
2024-07-07Mathematical Physics -III (6th Semester)USTM
2024-06-07Statistical Mechanics (6th Semester)USTM
2024-06-07Statistical Mechanics (6th Semester)[Special Repeat]USTM
2024-06-07Solid State Physics (5th Semester)[Special Repeat]USTM
2024-06-07Classical Dynamics (5th Semester)[Special Repeat]USTM
2024-06-07World Constitution (5th Semester)[Special Repeat]USTM
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 60