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- Laboratory Organization (6th Semester) 1
- Laboratory Organization (6th Semester)[Special Repeat] 1
- labour & Industrial Laws (9th Semester) 1
- Labour & Industrial Law (5th Semester) [Special Repeat] 1
- Labour & Industrial Law (5th Semester){Repeat} 1
- Labour & Industrial Law (9th Semester)[Special Repeat] 1
- Labour & Industrial Law -I (3rd Semester) 1
- Labour & Industrial Law -II (10th Semester) 1
- Labour & Industrial Laws (5th Semester) 1
- Labour & Industrial Laws (9th Semester) 1
- Labour & Industrial Laws -II (4th Semester).pdf 1
- Labour & Industrial Laws -II (6th Semester)[Special Repeat] 1
- Labour and Industrial Law - II(10th Semester) 1
- Labour and Industrial Law -II (10th Semester)[Special Repeat] 1
- Labour and Industrial Law-II (6th Semester) 2
- Labour and Industrial Laws -I (3rd Semester) 1
- Labour Laws -II (4th Semester) 1
- Labour Laws -II (4th Semester)[Repeat]{Old Course} 1
- Labour Legislations (3rd Semester) 1
- Land Laws of Assam & Meghalaya (5th Semester)[Repeat] 1