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- Hacking 1
- Handbook of Anatomy 1
- Handbook of Food and Nutrition 1
- Handbook of General Anatomy 1
- Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods 1
- Happiness Gain & Retain 1
- Hazards & Disaster Management - Issued & Policies (4th Semester) 1
- Hazards & Disaster Management - Issues and Policies (4th Semester) 1
- Hazards & Disaster Management - Preparedness & Mitigation (4th Semester) 2
- Hazards & Disaster Management - Preparedness and Mitigation (4th Semester) 1
- Hazards & Disaster Management -Preparedness & Mitigation (4th Semester) [Special Repeat] 1
- Hazards & Disaster Management Basic Concepts (3rd Semester) 1
- Hazards & Disaster Management Issues and Policies (4th Semester ) 1
- Hazards & Management- Issues & Policies (4th Semester) [Special Repeat] 1
- Health & Physical Education (2nd Semester) 2
- Health & Wellbeing (4th Semester) 1
- Health Administration in assam 1
- Health and Development The Millennium Perspective 1
- Health and Well Being (4th Semester) (Generic Elective) 1
- Health and Well Being (4th Semester) [Repeat] [Generic Elective ) 1